Maker in Lockdown
Welcome! I thought it would be beneficial for myself, for the Remakery and for makers who follow and for anyone else who is interested to document my experience in the Maker In Residence program. It's due to begin tomorrow at the Windsor Remakery. NSW Covid Lockdown had other ideas. But that doesn't mean I can't still get busy with my making. As a matter of fact, as soon as I applied, I started work on some projects to kick start my involvement in the Maker In Residence Program. The first picture is a WIP of some CDs I stripped to repurpose as suncatchers. They will be swinging in the middle of some of my circular crochet sculptures later. And here is a LARGE work I have in progress. I repurposed a quilters hoop I wasn't using to crochet around and the first layer is yarn from a repurposed jumper. This is going to take a long time I think. Did I bit off more than I could chew? I hope not. This one is nearly finished. It will be suitable for the garden, being crocheted ...