Life Long Goals - how are they formed?
I had a chat with my mentor from the Remakery, Liz, the other day and we spoke about how our childhood and early life can affect what we view as important and also form our tastes. I think they form our life time goals too.
I was folding washing today and I looked at one of my life goals...this is a weird one, but there is good reason behind it.
When I was about 14 I went to a friend's house and we were getting things for a sleep over and I saw her underwear draw. A life long goal immediately formed, and I have now achieved it. This friend had the most wonderful underwear draw. It was full of nicely folded, new looking undies. My own draw was the complete opposite. We didn't have a lot of money, AND I wasn't great at laundry. So if I was lucky there might be a few pairs of undies with worn elastic thrown in there. This is what I have today...
These are my functional ones - I'm not sharing my lacey ones ^-^. Just the fact that there is a drawer full of clean, folded undies fills me with joy.
I've fulfilled a few goals lately.
One was to bead a formal dress. And I have this effort to date.
The material was sparkly, so she didn't need to bead it, but the dress was totally unique.
She also made my the dress for my engagement party.
I wish I still had them. I donated both of them.
Another life long goal was formed just after year 12.
I had a clash of subjects in year 12 and had to choose between Chemistry and Art. Would you believe I chose Chemistry? And I failed it. I have never forgiven myself until now.
The work I'm doing through The Maker in Residence opportunity feels exactly like making a year 12 major work. I'm soul searching through blogging, sketching ideas in a visual art diary, and planning and documenting a work for exhibition. I feel like a great big hole is being woven over with golden threads. The most wonderful healing is taking place and I am so very grateful for this opportunity.
If you got this far, thanks for reading my reflections. And I hope you come back for more.
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